Metrex MetriCide OPA Plus Solution Test Strips

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MetriCide OPA Plus is a high level disinfectant for reprocessing heat sensitive semi-critical medical devices for which sterilization is not suitable when used according to the Directions for Use. It is glutaraldehyde-free solution (the active ingredient is ortho-Phthalaldehyde) and can be used manually or in an automated endoscope reprocessor (AER).
- MetriCide OPA Plus Solution Test Strips are a concentration monitor dedicated for use with MetriCide OPA Plus with a minimum recommended concentration (MRC) of 0.3%.
- Disinfects a wide range of endoscopes and other heat-sensitive semi-critical medical devices
- Designed for both automated and manual instrument reprocessing
- When used manually, it disinfects in 12 minutes at 20o C and can be reused for up to 30 days (when monitored according to label instructions) - the longest lasting high-level disinfectant on the market today*
- When used in an AER, it disinfects in 5 minutes at 25o C in an AER and can be reused for up to 14 days (whe monitored according to label instructions)
- MetriCide OPA Plus Solution Test Strips are fast - see results in only 60 seconds