Heartwell Medical is always looking for ways to help our customers save even more money. By partnering with the Provista / NuEdge Alliance GPO, we provide your facilities access to the exclusive member pricing of over 2000 different contracts with brand name manufacturers.
How it Works:
In order to take advantage of these discounts you must be a medical, veterinary or dental facility, LTC, homecare, hospital, laboratory or physical therapy facility, and a member of the Provista / NuEdge GPO.
If you would like to become a member:
Membership is available at no charge! Simply complete this online application form. For further clarification and explanation about this process you can visit our GPO page or contact customer service at 877-249-0230.
If you are already a member:
Please contact us with your Provista account number and registered facility name. You can email gpo@heartwellmed.com or call customer service at 877-249-0230.
Home cervical traction system, relieve neck pain using cervical traction in the privacy of your own home.
Drug-free pain relief, a natural pain reliever for degenerative disc disease, cervicalgia, herniated discs, bulging discs, radiculopathies, and many other neck problems.
Comfortable and easy to use, ComforTrac is a patented product and it comes with contouring adjustable neck cradle for a custom fit that secures the neck while providing cervical traction.
Immediate results, for those who have compression of the cervical spine, ComforTrac provides neck decompression that can help eliminate pain from the very first use.
Fully adjustable, use up to 50 lbs of force with a patented quick release pump. Easily adjust the angle of incline to 10, 15 and 20 degrees.