Heartwell Medical is always looking for ways to help our customers save even more money. By partnering with the Provista / NuEdge Alliance GPO, we provide your facilities access to the exclusive member pricing of over 2000 different contracts with brand name manufacturers.
How it Works:
In order to take advantage of these discounts you must be a medical, veterinary or dental facility, LTC, homecare, hospital, laboratory or physical therapy facility, and a member of the Provista / NuEdge GPO.
If you would like to become a member:
Membership is available at no charge! Simply complete this online application form. For further clarification and explanation about this process you can visit our GPO page or contact customer service at 877-249-0230.
If you are already a member:
Please contact us with your Provista account number and registered facility name. You can email gpo@heartwellmed.com or call customer service at 877-249-0230.
The Dualer IQ Inclinometer is the faster, easier, smarter way to measure spine and extremity ranges of motion without a computer. Dualer IQ speeds up spine evaluations with dual inclinometry protocols recommended by the AMA and automatic data collection. For extremities, Dualer IQ helps you to quickly evaluate motion using dynamic dual inclinometry and static single inclinometry (similar to using a goniometer) protocols.
Records and stores results for up to 19 tests for faster ROM evals without stopping
Dual inclinometry reduces repetitions and instrument placements for spine ROM
Subtracts extraneous movement to display true spine ROM results
Displays Primary and Secondary inclinometer values necessary for AMA impairment rating
Meets AMA spine validity requirements with up to six repetitions per test
Simulates simple goniometer techniques for efficient extremity evaluations
Easily records ankylosis and antalgic restrictions